〰︎〰︎〰︎ ¡¡¡Aiden online!!! 〰︎〰︎〰︎
Hi there! I'm Aiden! Or aidan..
Whatever you want to call me!

I'm a Danganronpa fan!

i did cut my finger by mistake so I laughed about it and I got reprehend by my friends
i hate class at all!! I mean I don't like chemistry, biology, technology, art and etc, but I did love language, math, english and physical education

you can saw my ig if you want!
Only if you want, I don't force you

Vic, Sam, kai, kuzu, hachi, lin, kanbo, umi, kazu, kibo, oliver, sunny/lucy, bya, Mai And cinder!
ilv all my friends!... And my girlfriend kity of course
Don forget that!